So much has happened this year, and we have only been through three months. We have been reminded on multiple occasions how precious time spent with our loved ones is and how quickly that can be taken away from us. Now we are all here with a sense of uncertainty. We are uncertain how long we will be asked to stay in our homes. We are uncertain of when the kids will be allowed to go back to school. We are uncertain if our friends and family members who are on the front lines will be safe. We are all in this together and while we have these uncertainties, there are things we do know. We know that we need to continue taking care of our families. We have precious little ones who need to be fed and minimal resources to do this. That is why I have come up with a fun and delicious family-friendly meal to help you. We love quesadillas in our home. The kids prefer plain cheese quesadillas which would be fine, but we wanted to try something new for them and something the adults could enjoy as well. We came up with the idea of BBQ chicken quesadillas.
Did you know that Old El Paso has been around for nearly a century? They are a worldwide market leader. Old El Paso helps to bring the fun by including dinner kits, taco shells, seasonings and a complete line of Mexican meal components. They are constantly inspiring customers to add more fun into their meals. We are loving the new shredded cheese line from Old El Paso. The taste is delicious, and the quality is great. With new flavor options like Finely Shredded Cheddar, Mexican Style 4-Cheese Blend, Mexican Style Taco Cheese Blend, Monterrey Jack, 3-Pepper Blend and Quesadilla, there is definitely something for everyone. Let’s get to the fun part, the recipe.

Here are the items you will need to make the BBQ Chicken quesadillas:
- Old El Paso Mexican Style 4-Cheese Blend (you can pick any of their fun new flavors, but this is the one we decided to use)
- BBQ sauce
- 2 tortillas for each quesadilla
- Precooked chicken
This recipe requires minimal items and is perfect for everyone in the family. We added BBQ sauce to give a little more fun flavor and to step away from the idea of only cheese quesadillas for the kids. The kids will more than likely eat the same things because they are picky, so try to change it up a little and surprise them with something different. They will probably be really excited about it! Here is how we made them:
Step 1: Gather up all of your items so you are ready to cook
Step 2: Get two medium-to-large tortillas
Step 3: Take one bag of Old El Paso shredded cheese (if you are feeling extra cheesy you can use two bags)
Step 4: Heat up the stove and place your griddle on the stove on medium heat.
Step 5: Place one tortilla on the griddle and then spread your cheese and chicken on your tortilla and drizzle BBQ sauce, sprinkle more cheese on top and cover with another tortilla.
Step 6: Continue checking your tortilla on the bottom and when the cheese starts to melt, flip the tortilla.
Step 7: When the cheese is completely melted, you are done cooking.
Step 8: Cut into fours and serve the quesadilla to your family.

I hope this gives you a fun new meal option for your family. We know that the days are starting to run together, but we can still get creative in the kitchen. Thanks to the Old El Paso new shredded cheese line, we can offer our families something fun and flavorful. Many things are uncertain right now, but you can certainly add some fun and creativity to your meals. Meals from home have never been so delicious. Surprise your family with these yummy BBQ chicken quesadillas and enjoy the win. And if you’re a cheesy family like us, check out Old El Paso’s America’s Cheesiest Family contest where you can submit a cheesy family photo for the chance to win a variety of great prizes! (Contest Disclaimer: No purchase necessary. Ends 11:59 p.m. CT 5/5/20 25+. Details and Rules: cheesiestfamily.com)
Thank me later!

Until next time,