This blog post is sponsored by Sparkletts.

Why do we love this product?
I noticed that my family was struggling in the area of drinking water. The kids just didn’t want to drink it when I gave it to them and sometimes we just skipped it all together. I knew that this needed to change and I began looking for a good solution. I wanted to encourage them to drink water every day but also find a way to get them excited about staying hydrated.
Does your family get enough water? If your answer is no, keep reading to see why this is the right product for you. What could be more convenient than having your families purified water delivered right to your door? The only thing I can think of is the combination of the AquaBarista Kcup Coffee Maker and the Water Cooler! Let’s get into 4 reasons why you need this in your life:
Reason 1:
The entire family gets excited about staying hydrated. The kids were so happy the day we got our Kcup Coffee Maker & Water Cooler. They thought it was so cool that they had a water machine in their own home. My husband was skeptical at first, but now he can’t imagine drinking water from anywhere else. He loves it and never wants to go back. We all feel the same way and that makes it so easy for us to be excited about staying hydrated.
Reason 2:
It saves you time. I taught the twins how to use the water cooler and now they can do it all by themselves! That is a major win in my opinion. I no longer have to stop what I am doing to get them a drink because they know how to do it all by themselves with the water cooler. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t finish a task because you were constantly getting interrupted by your kids to get something to drink? This is the solution you have been looking for and you will not be disappointed!

Reason 3:
Not only do you get water, you also get coffee and tea. I love that this water cooler also has a Kcup coffee maker. You can add kcups on to your biweekly order including coffee and tea. The price is very affordable and you can stay stocked up on the things you love. I really like that when we have visitors we can tell them they can just make their own coffee at the house. No need to head to Starbucks!
Reason 4:
Get your water delivered right to your door! You will not have to make extra grocery trips. This gets delivered biweekly and you do not even have to be home to receive your water. We get 5 jugs biweekly and our delivery driver just leaves them right outside the door. I love that it is a contact free delivery too.

Thanks to the Sparkletts AquaBarista Coffee & Water cooler my family loves to drink water now. I love that the kids get excited about staying hydrated because they can get their own water. They even look forward to getting our new jugs biweekly. I am no longer getting interrupted all the time for drinks for the kids, so I can focus on getting my tasks done. When you have this cooler in your house you not only get water, but you get the kcup machine too! You can enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea as well. This is so beneficial when you have visitors come too! You can get your water delivered right to your door with contact free delivery with Sparkletts. This is one of the best decisions my family has made and now you can do the same for your family too!

Until Next time,