Hey momma! I want to give you some insight into the Momma Summit 2019 and why you do not want to miss out. I am sure that you are wondering what Momma Summit 2019 is and what sets it apart from other summits. This event will take place ONLINE, so you will not even have to get out of your pajamas. Can I get an amen?! This event is FREE! One more time? This event is FREE! This event was created for YOU!

A woman named Anna Richards searched the internet for an expert panel of speakers with unique experiences. Anna is a Marriage and Family Therapist who has helped families and relationships grow through change in numerous ways over the past decade. Now she is connecting moms from all over the world through this virtual summit.

Have you ever thought to yourself there is no way that anyone can understand what I am going through? This hurts so much and I could never talk to anyone about it. This topic is too much for me to handle. I am having such a hard time that I want to quit. Trust me, you are not alone. Many of these speakers are here just for YOU. We are here to remind you that you are not alone in these thoughts. We all struggle. We all fail. It is what we do with the failure that determines the outcome.
The summit will be from the 9th-12th. I will be speaking on the 10th about my experience with miscarriage and how the Lord blessed me with the twins. I will get extra personal with you and even challenge you. I debated back and forth on if I really wanted to share this story. It is one thing to type it out behind the computer screen, but it is another thing to be completely vulnerable and real on camera. I decided that if my testimony can help just ONE momma, then a few minutes of being uncomfortable is ABSOLUTELY worth it.
You do not want to miss out on this FREE experience. Here is a list of topics that the speakers will be covering:

The event is free. However, if you cannot log on every single day and watch every interview, then you may want to purchase the ALL ACCESS PASS. This gives you access to the interviews even after the day is over. There will be no time frame of when you can watch. You get complete access whenever you want. This is my kind of pass!
Most of us are SO busy, so convenience can be very beneficial. Before the Summit starts, you can get this pass for only $29. However, once the Summit starts the price will go up a significant amount. This is a killer deal and did I mention there is a giveaway too?! How much is your time worth?

Now that you have all the information, I hope to see you there. Be sure to click this link to get your free access to the Momma Summit 2019 or register for the All Access Pass. TO stay updated be sure to follow @moments.andme on Instagram. Only 9 days left! We saved a seat for you!
Until next time, XOXO, Meg