Shortly after we found out about being pregnant with the twins we got a major curve ball thrown at us. At the time, Jhurell was in the Air Force. He got the call that we were not expecting, he was scheduled to deploy and he would be gone for a year. He would miss everything! We were devastated! I did not want to make him feel guilty in any way, but I was in my head wondering how I would do everything on my own with Kaila. We decided together that we were going to fight the deployment because shortly after we found out that I was extremely high risk because the girls shared a placenta. That meant multiple appointments every month and that was a lot to put on just one person who was already carrying twins. What a scary time for us! God took control of the situation and ultimately allowed for Jhurell to stay home with me. Did I mention God is good yet?

It had been an incredibly different pregnancy than with Kaila. I only had very minimal morning sickness with her. I even wrote in a sweet journal how happy I was to be pregnant with her and how I couldn’t wait to meet her. I felt like such a bad mom with the twins because I could not think of anything nice to say in their journal. Jhurell bought me one, but it just sat and never got written in because I didn’t want them to know how hard the pregnancy was on me or how I threw up several times a day and could only eat spicy food so it always burned my throat. I would literally take it one day at a time and tell myself the girls would be worth it in the end. (They totally were by the way and I would do it ALL over again in a heartbeat!)
Every two weeks we would go to an appointment at the O.B. where I would always be nervous and think that something was wrong with one of them. The worst part was when they couldn’t find their heartbeats right away because they were on top of each other or in a strange position. But every single appointment we got the all clear and heard how well they were growing. We made it until the last appointment and then finally to their scheduled birthday. What a relief! I spent so much time being scared of the C-section, but honestly by the time I finally got to that day I was just ready to meet them and get them out!

On July 11, 2016 the twins were born. Arie was born one minute earlier than Layla in a scheduled C-section at 36 weeks. The O.R. room was incredibly cold and I barely remember Jhurell coming in to be next to me. Everything is a blur, except for the part where Layla wasn’t breathing and Jhurell was trying to keep me calm. They immediately rushed her into the NICCU along with Arie since they were premature babies. Talk about a scary moment! Some moms get to hold their kids right away, but I was not allowed to because of their conditions. I told Jhurell to go be with them and keep me updated. All I could do was pray that God was in control and he was protecting my sweet girls.
About an hour later, I got to hold them in my arms and they were so tiny and perfect. I couldn’t believe that God had blessed us with two beautiful girls shortly after our miscarriage. A double rainbow blessing! The twins were everything I didn’t know that we needed to complete our family. Every day I am so grateful that I get to be their mom.
Until next time,

What a roller coaster! I’m so glad everything worked out for you all and that your faith kept you all <3